Nature (Photos)








Nature (photos)











Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan

Our revered P.M, Mr Modi (I’d rather refer to him as Modi ji as that’s what suits him more and makesfinal_logo_(1) him more of a person like us.. 😉 ) launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on 2nd October. This made me happy. Not only because the task of cleanliness was taken up seriously but because I’ve already been keeping my surroundings clean much before the Campaign started. I so appreciate the efforts of Modi ji. Atleast people will now think a bit about the matter (that’s what I assume).People like me didn’t need a formal or an official campaign to remind ourselves that we need to keep our surroundings clean, more so, our INDIA clean. I never throw even a toffee wrapper on the road. It happily travels with me to my home incase I donot find a dustbin.

This campaign has brought about a change for sure but there are definitely a few who are unwilling to change their rigid mentality. I wonder why! This chunk includes educated people too.
With money does not come civic sense.Here’s the proof: People steering in their cars do spit out on roads or in other cases throw away the wrappers/fruit peelings and other gunk on the road. Civic sense is something that comes from within, something that cannot be preached or forced upon. Education & awareness plays an important role too. Unless people are taught from the very beginning that this is the most basic thing we must or rather, should do, we can’t expect others to do the same. Change comes when each one of us makes an effort.
The reason I wrote this was because the dirt around and the careless attitude of the few people (yes, those careless chunk of society that I mentioned) makes me fearful of the future of the nation. At the end of the day, it is we who appreciate the foreign nations and talk incessantly  about the cleanliness. Infact, these very people (I’m not saying all) won’t dare to throw a piece of paper in a foreign country whereas the same people would shamelessly litter on the domestic roads.strict-monitoring-of-cleanliness-under-way-1353270303-8302
We cannot expect a change unless we are a part of it. “Be the change you wish to see” fits perfectly here. I firmly believe in this because if not us, then, who and if not now, then, when? We can’t be cribbers all through our lives.

We got to decide whether we want to live in filth forever or in a clean environment.

Be the accelerators of growth and not decelerators, Indians!

Free of Corruption?


It’s been more than 70 years since we are independent but there’s something that gnaws me from within and a little question always bothers me, viz. after independence, are we really free from corruption?

 CORRUPTION– the big monster! It is the indeed the root cause of all problems. I really wonder when will my country develop and be a super power and ultimately, my heart shrinks when the newspaper blares about the scams. What an irony that those who raise their voices against the wrongdoers are demoted from their jobs. A great deal at that!

While watching a comedy show, I heard a person saying that “These days, work cannot be done without bribing” . I suppose that is just an excuse to escape the efforts.And I promote the idea given in that very show that if we can shoot videos of actors, then why not make a video of such wrongful acts and let it go viral via media and social networking sites?

More than that, exercise your right to Vote. Always remember that every vote counts and show the power of honesty by choosing the right person.This is what I call the Power of us’. Image

Yes, together we can do it!

We need to come out with pragmatic solutions instead of being watchdogs or partners in crime. It’s high time that we become responsible citizens. We need to be the first movers and have dynamic approaches. It’s is a heartfelt appeal to the readers to pledge once and for all that they would never in their lifetime bribe anyone for any work whatsoever and will try their best to bring forth the shameful acts. Then only, I suppose the purpose of life be fulfilled since the real purpose of life is to follow the right path and this is just a simple way to achieve it. I really hope that if not all, then at least a few people are influenced by my words. “Working towards a corruption-free India”

Jai HindImage

Education @ Work

Education @ Work

Our very own Indian is the largest democracy in the World. Yet, we are lacking in many spheres like those relating to employment, education,health,etc. People are deprived of basic amenities. The population is increasing every day and not enough job opportunities are being created. Hence many of the rural families are having a tough time with more mouths to feed on and less income earning hands.
This picture was taken on a breezy Saturday morning in Bengaluru, the IT capital of our country while I was enjoying myself but this site moved me when I was on a stroll. This was one of the busiest streets in the city and it has clearly shown that the girl despite selling flowers is studying. What moved me was the fact that the girl who should have been at her home or at school was seen selling instead at such a tender age.
This points out to the fact that our society is still not going on fair terms as on one hand the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. On hand there are those who are wasting resources and having a gala time and on the other there are people like the girl shown in the picture who are coping up with difficult times. Studying besides selling flowers shows that she was trying to compensate for the loss of time.
Children of her age should be enjoying their youth by playing and doing what they want to do. But the strong will is clearly visible. Words do not suffice the description of this small scene.There are many others who dont even get a chance to study even! It’s time for our power hungry politicians to wake up and do something for nation building. We all must also wake up and report such incidents as Citizen Journalists so that the deserving people get their rights. Better still, we can go in for charitable causes so that less blessed children can pursue their dreams.

Keep India Clean: Campaign cum Pledge

India is our own country.

Let is keep it clean. Let us all pledge for a cleaner and greener India.

Please join the campaign and make sure you throw the waste only in the bins.

Join in by Liking the post, posting your comments or participating in the polls.

Share this with others and act for a noble cause.

Jai Hind

India’s Justification in hosting the CWG 2010

CWG 2010She gave us birth; She gave us life; she gave us everything we wanted. She is our motherland-INDIA. Our nation hosted the CWG 2010 in October in the national Capital, New Delhi and it was a magnanimous event. India was fully justified in hosting the games as all the citizens came together for a national event. The work had been very stagnant in the beginning and much of the hopes had been shattered but as 3rd October approached nearer, we started being zealous and finally the day came and we gasped the opening ceremony. It was no less than the FIFA opening. Multi lingual people came together and there was a perfect amalgamation of oneness and culture. Guests from overseas came for the event and applauded the same among whom were Prince Charles.
Though red tapism is malignant here; yet the glory and the success cannot be overlooked. we ourselves are witnesses to the games and cannot oversee the hardwork of so many. We are the only nation who can brag about stadium which is one of it’s only kind in the world in the sense that it is totally different from the rest of the stadia of the world. There, every seat would give you just the same view even if you were on the edge of the curve. To add icing on the cake the Indian sportspersons brought laurels to our country by fetching many gold medals.
If we pledge against social vices then nobody can stop us from being a developed nation like US. We are progressing but at a slow pace. We need to speed it up fast. Furthermore, India has been defamed just because of a few miscreants otherwise if each and every individual has faith in her; she would give us quite sweet fruits.
After all, it’s just a matter of BELIEF!
Having high hopes for the future…


Gandhi Ji


Father of Nation

Great legend-Gandhi Ji


A white clad man with a slight stoop being balanced by a stalk wearing Khadi, round spectacles and a very simple dhoti which could barely cover this body was M.K Gandhi. India’s success can only be bequeathed to the Father of the Nation. Gandhian philosophy still holds true in today’s fast-rack world. He followed very simple principles of life which were truth, honesty and simplicity. He did not have any intrigue principles like any great philosopher or leader; he had very simple goals and perspectives of humbleness and honesty. Such ethics as he said might not bear fruits right at that moment but they pay one later. History has revealed that honesty is the best policy though it many not profit you at that time. By speaking truth and following the golden path of honesty, one gets inner peace and contentment though not any pecuniary gain which is very immaterial. Gandhi Ji had very simply living and very high thinking. Only because of his principles, he was able to set India free from the clasp of the British. One man had the power of many. He was and still ensues to be the epitome of a perfect Indian. He focused on self sufficiency so that no Indian would beg at the mercy of the so called superior white men. He was very proud to be an Indian and allowed banishment of untouchability. Because of Gandhi Ji our society experienced revolution. Burning of foreign cloth and rebellion against the British helped India to gain the present situation. Now he’s been dead as many as 62 years. His presence is felt in every part of the country. Physically he might not be present yet he remains in our hearts and continues to inspire each one of us. What we want is his blessings so that the hatred is completely eliminated and our country resides in tranquility. His thoughts about the environment in those days were also very interesting as he said, “Nature has enough for everybody’s need but not for anybody’s greed.” Seeing the harm we have caused to the Earth, we now realize what he said was absolutely true. Apart from social causes and environment, he supported Indian industries. He was against mass production and wanted it to replace it with production by masses to ensure full employment.

If the great legend was alive today; He would have first cried over the present situation of death and destruction;

Secondly be sad to see the youth disrespecting their own language and customs

and Thirdly would have led India to a better path of success.

Many successful and thought provoking movies have been made on the iron willed man, which are again very inspirational.  So, make the departed soul happy and be proud to be Indians and follow his golden rules if you want to succeed.

Beauty of Indian Monsoons

Monsoon-Source of Peace

Monsoon-Source of Peace

Monsoon basically has come from the Arabic word ‘mawsim’ meaning weather and it refers to the gracious bounty of the generator, operator and destructor in the form of merciful rains. Indian is a land of splendor and serenity. The monsoons instill the place with greenness. Monsoon is the only time when air freshens and dormancy comes to an end. It is a time when mother earth gives us the message of togetherness and hopefulness. Not only the trees regain their lives but also human beings learn purity, patience and selflessness from their mother, Planet Earth. The verdant fresh leaves coming out of the branches instill in us elation. The nature is so splendid that it yolks happiness and forbearance in a cloud of rejoice.
Birds chirrup in their euphoria and humans in their own ways. The farmers who are most dependent on the Indian monsoons and more particularly the rains consider the monsoons to be their Christian Soul driving them out of all wretchedness and melancholy. Just like a Christian Soul drives the stranded passengers out of an isolated isle, similarly the monsoons help everyone particularly the agricultural farmers in our country. For them it is their life redeemer. Rains bring respite to everybody. The scorching heat is given a break and the animal and insect life reverts to square one. We get to know what life in reality is. Monsoon is the only time when we see the hibernated elements coming to life. The rains floods our emotions and the next moment we are on cloud nine. It is an absolute pleasure to watch the water gushing from the hills and the crystal clear and diamond pure rains pouring from their heavier counterparts. It is a delight to watch the birds swinging flawlessly and other creatures slithering or running. A sense of satisfaction enables us to work better as well. Life in the monsoon season cannot just be expressed in words. It is our priceless possession and we must thank our beloved mother for that for because of her we are enjoying all the necessities and opulence of life.Beautiful Monsoon
Busy in the hustle-bustle of our lives, we never realize the importance of winsome Earth, which has given us the birth and nurtures us even after death. Unfortunately in the moribund of urban lives we have forgotten about her. She works for us every day and every minute yet we remain thankless and greedily ask for more. Nature is our life and our soul; we should rather thank her in our gratitude.

Save the Tigers

Save the Tigers

Less than 1400 left. This is the number of our country’s pride and our national animal. The tigers are fast dwindling in their number. Tiger is not only a majestic animal but it also is a part of the eco system. The census conducted in 2001 and 2002, put the figure of tigers at 3,642. And now less than 1400 are left. Think for yourself. What if the tigers vanish and become extinct like dodo? Wont it be a shame for us?
Tigers are fast decreasing in number because of poaching and illiteracy. They are poached for their pelts and body parts which are highly prized in places like China and Eastern Asia. Dams and other mining projects have also affected their natural habitat due to which they were unable to adapt to the new niche. Illiterate poor poach the tigers for they are superstitious that tiger eyes are beneficial for their health and can cure incurable ailments. While it is not so, such masses refuse to accept the truth and base their selves on science and logic. Infact, traditional Chinese medicines use tiger bones for it is thought to calm fright, cure ulcers, bites, etc.A tiger skin can fetch up to £5,300 while tiger penises – traditionally believed to have near-magical properties – can fetch £14,000 per kilo. In a world where red tapism is a natural phenomena, it is hard to curb such illegal activities. Tigers are decreasing not only because of killing but also because of encroachment of their natural habitats; their forest area. For example, an adult male tiger needs about 80 to 100 square kilometers forest area.
As citizens, we can spread awareness among larger number of people, roar for tigers, contribute/donate for the same and do whatever is possible from our side. Use your networking sites to join such groups instead of wasting time in futile gossips and gaming. Plant more trees. Inform the government if you see something wrong happening. Instead of criticizing and cribbing, we need to implement our innovative ideas. If we can be innovative enough to bring in new gadgets, then we can definitely use our innovative skills to national and noble causes. Write articles on magazines, newspapers and form small organizations. Also comes with them to be a responsible tourist. Shop carefully and don’t use any product which has tiger teeth, nails, etc (perhaps in international shopping this would help). Now the Save Tigers T-shirts are also available, grab them and let the world know how concerned you are. Saving the tiger means saving mankind.
The government needs to have stringent punishments like death sentence for the law- breakers and need to increase the number of Tiger Reserves. The government shouldn’t wake up when the number tolls down to just a two digit number.

Royal Bengal Tiger

India Shining

Our IndiaIndia has been the most ancient civilizations of the world and is the fastest growing economy in the world. It has shown tremendous improvement in the field of agriculture, industry and the most significant thing, the technology.
Today the exports from the IT sector are worth a $10 billion.
India has given the world the most important idea of number system and the value of zero. The geniuses from our nation have given the world the most important things.
Even the muslin, spices, merchandise have voyaged from India along with the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana. India was once a golden bird and it were the callous Britishers who stole the wealth from our nation. The Kohinoor had been taken away from our country. The History teaches us many salient features about our ancestors about which we might have never ever thought.
There are many striking facts about India, which surely makes one proud of his nation. Nowadays the brain drain is not from India to foreign countries but from abroad to India. Moreover, the newspapers, army, doctors are more than any other country in the world.
38% of doctors in USA are Indians, 36% of NASA scientists are Indians, 34% of Microsoft employees and 28% of IBM employees are Indians. And that’s not all.
17% of INTEL scientists, 13% of XEROX employees and 12% scientists in USA are Indians. Fifteen of the world’s major automobile manufacturers are now obtaining components from Indian firms, Hero Honda is now the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world—with an output of 17 lakh motorcycles a year. One lakh Indica cars of the Tatas are to be marketed in Europe by Rover, one of the United Kingdom’s most prestigious auto-manufacturers under its — that is, Rover’s — brand name and the list ensues….
The best works of India are in the fields of Nuclear Energy, Satellites, Software, Nuclear weapons, rockets and Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles.
Many legends of India have been awarded Nobel Prizes, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awards and the most prestigious awards by honorable people.
Our nation has also been the T-20 champions. Moving to the Olympics, which started in 1896, it is after 112 years that India has got a gold medal in the 10m air rifle shooting. Abhinav Bindra has made millions of Indians very proud of himself. Saina Nehwal has been ranked no. 5 in Badminton and the fact that she went into the quarterfinals is a great achievement for a young girl.
Vishwanathan Anand has been the World Chess Champion, which again makes us proud.
Further more, many words in the English language have been taken from our ancient and rich language- Sanskrit. For instance, ‘bhatra’ has been taken for Brother; ‘matra’ of Sanskrit has been taken for Mother, etc.
The Alphanzo mangoes, Darjeeling tea, Yoga, Ayurveda, Spiritual gurus, etc have sprung from India.
Although the population of India is the 2nd largest, yet during the alluring Kumbh Mela, tides of people go there and make a beautiful site.
The new generation, which has replaced Gen X, ‘Gen Y’ is fast growing whereby the youngsters live life to the fullest along with doing their work at desk with full sincerity. The youngsters of Gen Y are Internet friendly and more ambitious as compared to others who are bookworms and their work/job is everything (life) to them.
Coming down to the rivers, River Indus is one of the longest rivers of the world.
George Bernard Shaw said, “All Progress depends on the unreasonable man” therefore, it’s no one but the youngsters of India who can help to develop our nation. India is progressing and will one day be the unsurpassed nation of the world.
An amazing fact for all of us is that UNESCO has declared India’s National Anthem as the World’s Best National Anthem. Last but not the least, A.R Rahman is the 4th Indian to win an Oscar and India’s recently won 3 Oscars which really make us feel very proud.

Our Soldiers

Indian SoldiersOne of the most important organs in ensuring security in a country is the Army and its related organs. The soldiers work round the clock to ensure that the common man is safe and sound. They are so selfless that we ought to learn something from them. Perspiring in the summers when the mercury soars up to more than 40 degree Celsius, these soldiers never \think of their needs and work throughout the year for a smile on our faces. In their selfless work for the nation and us, are they not to be given any sort of comforts? They never speak about their needs but just remain happy with whatever they have. Our ministers have bulletproof cars and hundreds of security guards around them. Not only this, they have AC cars. On one hand we have the ministers having all the luxuries even though their stomach is made turgid with money. On the other, our soldiers are not even given the basic needs in the hot summers. At least, a comfortable shed with a petty fan will be enough in case the government complains that with such “luxuries” as they would call it, they wont be able to look after the security. I would instead say that they would be able to work more efficiently. I would suggest the authorities to give them nutritious food free of cost too.
Millions of promises are made and the welfare of the public is taken care of but no one pays heed to the life of the people who burn the mid night oil to ensure that we are happy.True Heroes

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